Friday 7 April 2006

Tricky business.

I have just been over at the BCUK site, well worth a visit if you are into all this out door lark. It occured to me, Mike and I are heading to Ecuador, but I have a ticket to Brazil that I bought by mistake - well I was trying to go to see the Rolling Stones. I cunningly learnt some Spanish - En que direccion esta Ecuador? - In what direction is Ecuador? The problem is that they speak Portuguese in Brazil.

There is a lot more to going to live in the Jungle than you might think.

I have started a kit list,

Jungle Kit List; First Draft.



Stuart Robinson said...

Why not emulate the early pioneers?


Yup, uhuh, yes, sensible..

* A small chest of drawers
* One mahogany writing bureau
* 150 pounds of lard

There, that's a good start! I'm sure you can handle it from here old chap.

Hugh Sawyer said...

lard, goes without saying surely.

anti histamines - had not thought of that.

Lexa said...

Shashi is going to write a jungle living blog soon, I'm sure she has plenty of good advice! OK she lives in a house in the jungle, but it hasn't got any walls!

Mervyn said...

Sat. Phone so you can keep up the blog!