Tuesday 24 January 2006

And the winner is...

And the winner is…….

Well it was a close run thing, for a while there it looked like a photo finish with Herefordshire and Centre Park putting in a strong showing but a late entry from Penny Munn with 10 minutes to go sealed the deal.

The correct answer is camping in the UK.
Centre Park lost out as it’s not really camping out; it’s more staying in a greenhouse. Herefordshire was close but as fun as drinking cider might be its not camping.
Walking the hills in Scotland is the closest as its outside in the cold in the UK. I’m not sure where exactly I will end up, a friend and I are going to jump in a car this evening and head off to wherever looks as though it will have ‘amusing’ weather and then pit ourselves against it. Joy.

So well done Penny, if you send me your address (my email address should be in my profile) and I will send you the ‘Spoon’, it’s more of an insult than a prize I’m afraid.

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