Friday 30 September 2005

Busy busy

Hugely busy at the moment so there may not be much in the way of Blogs for the next couple of weeks, I am writing lots of notes in the woods long hand but do not have time to write them up.

In brief then

Tuesday - army sleeping bag donated by a friend finely found it's way out of the internal mail so went to check it out down by the river. Sleeping by the river in summer is bad because of Mossies, in the winter it is bad because of the damp. Tuesday day time I coughed a lot.

Wednesday - Rushed about like mad, got very wet indeed as I had to use my coat to keep my suits dry. Went to the Leather Bottle in Lewknor to 'dry out' and ended up staying for food, very good food as usual and a whole hearted recommendation. Ended up sleeping in the Hammock again and decided that I'm in love with it.

Thursday night - had a tiff with Hammock - it's all my fault I realise now, I should have remembered how to tie knots.

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